ज़िंदगी वो सफ़र है, जिसमें कई सारे मोड़ आते हैं. कभी-कभी हम दूसरों से सीखते हैं, तो कभी-कभी दूसरे हमसे कुछ सीख कर जाते हैं. आज आपको कुछ ऐसे ही लोगों से मिलवाते हैं, जिन्होंने अपनी इच्छा शक्ति से वो काम कर डाला जो कई लोगों के लिये एक मिशन से कम नहीं है.   

1. इस शख़्स ने महज़ 2 साल में 150 Pounds कम कर डाले. 

2. इस लड़की ने Anorexia को मात देकर एक नई शुरूआत की. 

3. इस बंदे ने एक साल में 80 Pounds कम किये हैं. 

4. लड़की की स्माइल प्यारी है. 

5. एक अच्छी लाइफ़स्टाइल के लिये इस शख़्स ने Alcohol त्याग दी. 

3 Years In To My Weight Loss/Sobriety Journey. Down 155 lbs Face Progress and Body Progress

6. वज़न घटाने के बाद इस शख़्स को पहचानना मुश्किल हो रहा है.  

7. लड़के ने बॉडी बनाने के लिये काफ़ी मेहनत की है.  

Weight gain (49kg to 55kg)

8. ये महिला Keto Diet पर थी, जिससे उसने 140 Pounds घटाये.  

Three years ago I changed my life. I don't miss my glasses at all … or the 140lbs

9. वज़न कम करने के बाद ख़ूबसूरती और बढ़ गई.  

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I always seem to miss out on #transformationtuesday but wanted to post this . Six years difference – Photo on the left from Singapore where I lived in black trousers and remained covered up to last night wearing a size 12 dress . Can you believe this is the same person 🔻Same lippy 🔻Different outlook 🔻From size 28-30 To size 12 🔻12 Stone 7lb Loss Approx nearly two years ago 🔻Nearly half my body weight 🔻New life and Different Outlook 🔻Excited for my future . I want to thank that person I was for not giving up and for actually having the courage to achieve the dreams that I am living today. . Be proud of every single positive step you take and bring those dreams to life no matter how long it may take ❤️ . #weightlossjourney #slimmingworld #slimmingworlduk #slimmingworldfood #slimmingworldfamily #slimmingworldjourney #healthy #healthyliving #sw #swuk #slimmersofinstagram #healthy #slimmingworldfollowers #weightlossblogger #foodblogger #blogger #skellingthorpeslimmers #swconsultant #slimmingworldconsultant #transformation #positive #motivatedmonday #myjourney

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10. 110 Pound वज़न कम करने के बाद ये लड़का हैंडसम हो गया.  

11. सिर्फ़ 9 महीने में 55 Pound वज़न कम करने वाली ये महिला अच्छी लग रही है.  

12. वज़न कम करने की वजह Marathon है.  

13. प्रण से कुछ भी हो सकता है.  

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💪😍⬆This is what dedication will do for you ⬆ 🍏@ellipticalifragilistic 👏 . 💪Animate with another incredible transformation and form part of them 😍🏆 . 📌Tag a friend and comment to motivate them 🏋💪 ↪ Follow @fitbodypowers ↩ . 😁If you want you can just have to make it possible 🏆 ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ 🔴➡ Are you looking for a program to lose weight? 👗 Lose 2-3 dress sizes in just 2 weeks👙 ✔ We can show you how to do it just click on the link in the bio ➡ @fitbodypowers ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ Credits : @ellipticalifragilistic ❤👍 his very inspiring story on his page and follow her.😍 . . . … #slimming #stayhealthy #streetworkout #strong #strongnotskinny #the3weekdiet #train #trainhard #training #transform #transformatio #transformationjourney #transformationpic #transformations #transformationtuesday #usa #USA #vscocam #vsglife #weightgoals #weightIosscommunity #weightIossdiary #weightIossinspiration #weightIossstory #weightIosssurgery #weightIosstea #weightIosstransformation #weightlifting #weightlose #weightloss

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14. मेहनत करके कुछ भी हासिल किया जा सकता है.  

15. इनसे कुछ सीखा जा सकता है.  

16. इस Transformation के लिये 3 साल लगे हैं. 

17. ज़िंदगी जीने का नया अंदाज़.  

18. इस महिला ने 400 Pounds वज़न कम किया है.  

19. अब ये शख़्स पहले से ज़्यादा ख़ुश और Confident है.  

20. Hottt! 

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Eating Disorders don’t discriminate. There is no specific person, or type of person, ethnicity, gender, age, education, skill, knowledge, lifestyle that determines whether someone will develop an eating disorder or not. It is not a choice, and can affect ANYONE. These disorders don’t just take over your eating habits , they dominate your entire life. Every thought, every action goes deeper than food and weight. What you see on the outside(if you see anything at all) is the tip of the iceberg . * To me anorexia was like an abusive relationship with myself. I knew it was toxic but I felt I deserved no better. Everyday I would wake up thinking today would be different, today anorexia would love me and it will be worth it, but that self love never came. Soon I became smaller and smaller and I hoped maybe one day I’d be so small I might disappear. * It’s hard to detect Someone who is suffering and even harder to admit that YOU are suffering. But your not alone in this. You have help if you choose it and really wish it. * 👉🏻Step 1 – tell someone about it, Don’t let it be a secret. 👉🏻Step 2 – Seek professional help in the form of specialised psychologists and nutritionists to guide you in right direction. 👉🏻Step 3 – make the choice to take your life back and actively take steps towards it. 👉🏻Step 4 – surround yourself with people who love and support you. 👉🏻Step 5 – repeat the first 4 steps every.single.damn.day. Because your going to want to give up and your going to want to crawl back in that hole , but you can’t give in, you can’t let it win you have to push through and fight every day. * * National Eating Disorders Awareness Week. Better the devil you know. Than the devil you dont. Spread Awareness and let’s beat this 💪🏼💜 * * #neda #nationaleatingdisorderawarenessweek #nevergiveup

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अगर आप भी किसी तरह के Disorder से ग्रसित हैं, तो उस पर काम करिये और यक़ीनन Result बेहतरीन होगा. 

यहां क्लिक करके लाइफ़ से जुड़े और आर्टिकल पढ़िये.