अपने अंश का जन्म होते हुए देखना भी उतना ही सुखद एहसास है, जितना कि उसे खुद जन्म देना. ये एहसास हर पिता ने महसूस किया होता है. इस ख़ूबसूरत एहसास को शब्दों में बयां करना तो मुमकिन नहीं है, लेकिन इन तस्वीरों में कैमरे के ज़रिये इसे कैद ज़रूर कर लिया गया है.

डिलीवरी रूम में मौजूद एक पिता को कैसा लगता होगा, इसकी एक झलक भर हैं ये तस्वीरें.

1. ये टैटू इस पिता ने पहले Miscarriage के बाद बनवाया था. अपनी बेटी को सीने से लगा कर मानों वो सारे दुःख भूल गया है.

2. कितना मधुर, कितना सुन्दर, तेरा-मेरा प्यार

3. मैं रोऊं या हंसूं!

4. “बच्चे को जन्म देने के दौरान मैंने अपने पति से कहा कि वो हिले नहीं और मेरे पैर को यहीं रखा रहने दे. हर पल वो मेरे साथ मज़बूती से खड़े रहे”.

5. पहला स्पर्श

6. मेरा योगदान

7. आंसू ख़ुशी के

8. सरोगेसी से पिता बना एक जोड़ा

10. शुक्रिया!

11. तुम्हारे रोने की उस पहली आवाज़ से मधुर कोई संगीत नहीं.

12. मां चिंता करना नहीं छोड़ सकती.

13. सब कह देती है ये मुस्कान.

14. पिता का जन्म

Via @rockingdads. Did you know that ~ 90% of men now attend the birth of their children? This is great news, but did you also know that nearly 80% of those fathers also reported feeling disconnected from their partners and babies during the many stages of pregnancy, birth and post birth? _ This is because the majority of birth education courses available today are justifiably focused only on the needs of the mom, so Dads are often left behind and don’t often get the information and coaching they need to become better fathers and birth partners. _ We surveyed hundreds of fathers and the response is overwhelmingly clear on one key point – Dads want classes designed specifically for them! _ We help men: ☆ Become birth partners at all stages of pregnancy, birth and post birth. ☆ Form special bonds with their children at any age. ☆ Develop essential domestic skills that contribute to a balanced, happy & healthy household. ☆ Forge strong relationships with their partners regardless of the changes they will encounter. ☆ Develop self-care skills to improve their overall sense of well-being. ☆ Become part of a community of like-minded men who provide a support structure for years to come. _ So, for you guys out there who want to be great dads and partners, we’re here for you! Much love! – The Rocking Dads @rockingdads _ Catching his baby like his father caught him…. Now this is a Rocking Dad! 📸 @jhobbs97 _ #newdad #birtheducation #prouddad #proudfather #father #parenting #pregnant #pregnancy #childbirth #babybump #dad #lifeofdad #fatherhood #dontforgetdads #dadlife #momlife #babyontheway #parentstobe #daddydoinwork #iDAD #dedicateddads #birth #thebirthguy #doula #doulalife #dudela #rockingdads

A post shared by Fatherhood Without Fear (@dontforgetdads) on

15. क्या इससे प्यारा भी कुछ हो सकता है?

17. अब हुए हैं हम पूरे.

Are you following @birthwithoutfear yet? Just wow. All the feels. _ It was like riding waves of an ocean. Trusting my body and my baby, I recognized when a fearful thought would arise and chose to change it. Absolutely it was incredibly hard, but I was strong – stronger than maybe some skeptics had believed when they found out I was doing a home birth. And sincerely, people’s doubts never offended me. I just felt sad that they didn’t realize the full feminine strength that all women posses. I got to experience it in all its fullness yesterday, and my reward was birthing, not only a baby, but also a mom. _ Bonnie started letting me know she wanted to come meet the world at 5:00am on Monday, January 2, and my astounding husband and mother helped me labor until about 12:45pm when I got in our bathtub to push. My little sweet sister joined us then to squeeze my hand and help document the journey. Our midwife, Emily, from Lovers Lane Birth Center, was calming and made me feel strong and safe. The last push was something I’ll never forget – a defining moment in my life. She came out into the water at 1:59pm and she was perfect. _ Ben and I got a moment alone with this new little angel and I fell even more in love with my sweet husband. I’m reliving yesterday in my head over and over again. It was amazing, and if you are at all interested in a home or natural birth, I’m thrilled to help provide any insight or resources. _ Our little Birdie is 7.5lbs and 20in long with hair already long enough for pigtails. She pooped on me three times in the first two hours of her life, so we know she’s for sure Ben’s daughter… _ I love this baby. @missmallorylynn #birthwithoutfear #dontforgetdads 📷:@clintonkemp

A post shared by Fatherhood Without Fear (@dontforgetdads) on

19. “हमारी दुनिया में स्वागत है तुम्हारा, नन्हें फ़रिश्ते”.