कहते हैं कि कोई भी अपने गुज़रे हुए सुहाने पलों को दोबारा नहीं जी सकता है. और अगर कोई कोशिश भी करे तो वो अपने सबसे करीबी व्यक्ति के साथ बीते दिनों को एक बार फिर से जीने के लिए किस हद तक जाएगा. कभी आपने ऐसा सोचा है. नहीं ना, चलिए हम आपको एक वजह देते हैं इस बारे में सोचने के लिए. लेकिन पहले आप ये पढ़िये और इसे महसूस करिये, ये सच्ची कहानी पिछले साल नवम्बर महीने की है, जो आपके दिलों के तारों में तरंगे उत्पन्न कर देगी. ये रील लाइफ़ कि नहीं, बल्कि रियल लाइफ़ की बहुत ही इमोशनल लव स्टोरी है.
एक ट्विटर पर एक यूज़र Chachi Chatters, ने अपने अकाउंट से अपनी और अपने मरहूम पति की लव स्टोरी को शेयर किया. सोशल मीडिया पर ये लव स्टोरी वायरल हो गई और इसने सोशल मीडिया यूज़र्स के दिल के तारों को बजा दिया, लोग इस कहानी के साथ भावनात्मक रूप से जुड़ गए हैं.
अपने पुराने दिनों को याद करते हुए वो लन्दन की उन जगहों पर गयीं जहां वो अपने पति के साथ फ़ब्वारे के पास बेंच पर घंटों बैठा करती थीं. वहां जाकर उनको लगा कि भले ही उनके पति अब इस दुनिया में नहीं हैं, लेकिन वो हमेशा उनके साथ हैं, उनके पास हैं. उनके लिए ये एहसास बेहद ही रोमांचकारी है.
ये ट्विटर यूज़र, जो अब बुज़ुर्ग हो चुकी हैं और बीमार भी रहती हैं, ने लन्दन की एक फ़्लाइट ली ताकि वो अपनी पुरानी यादों को एक बार फिर से सकें. वो यादें जिनमें वो अपने पति के साथ एक खूबसूरत फ़ब्वारे के बगल में बेंच पर बैठीं हैं. उनको ये तो याद नहीं कि वो फ़ब्वारा कौन सा था, लेकिन ये याद है कि वो लन्दन में स्थित है. इसलिए उन्होंने उस फब्वारे को ढूंढने के लिए इंटरनेट का सहारा लिया. और उनको इसमें सफ़लता भी मिली.
उन्होंने बेहद खूबसूरती से लन्दन में बिताये उस एक हफ्ते को बयां किया, उन्होंने वीक डेज़ में अपने अकेले दम पर शहर घूमा और अपने “Marhoom khaawand” मलतब कि अपने मरहूम पति के साथ उस जगह तक पहुंचने का इंतज़ार किया.
पूरी कहानी आप यहां पढ़िए:
Friday afternoon I saw my Oncologist for a follow-up after my recent hospitalization.
He told me the labwork looked fine and asked me what my plans were for Thanksgiving.— Chachi Chatters (@ChachiChatters) November 22, 2017
I told him nothing much.
And I don’t know what got into me. I asked him if I’m okay to travel.— Chachi Chatters (@ChachiChatters) November 22, 2017
Sure I don’t see why not, he said.
I smiled and shrugged my shoulders in a sheepish way.— Chachi Chatters (@ChachiChatters) November 22, 2017
I had absolutely no plans for traveling.
— Chachi Chatters (@ChachiChatters) November 22, 2017
I kept thinking about it all Friday night though. I don’t get to say it a lot but…my doctor said it’s fine.
— Chachi Chatters (@ChachiChatters) November 22, 2017
Saturday I gave our old travel agent a call. I don’t know how you kids buy tickets on apps. I can’t.
— Chachi Chatters (@ChachiChatters) November 22, 2017
Sunday I cleaned my fridge, watered the plants, left the cat at the lovely neighbor’s.
And packed a bag.— Chachi Chatters (@ChachiChatters) November 22, 2017
Monday I took a flight.
— Chachi Chatters (@ChachiChatters) November 22, 2017
Tuesday I woke up in London. pic.twitter.com/VznQRZcnkb
— Chachi Chatters (@ChachiChatters) November 22, 2017
I realize and I know mostly, forward is the only direction you can, should and must go.
— Chachi Chatters (@ChachiChatters) November 22, 2017
But there’s this sombre comfort in going back sometimes.
To times from your memories.And places you had been.— Chachi Chatters (@ChachiChatters) November 22, 2017
There’s this fountain. Somewhere in Hyde Park/Kensington Gardens. I have a precious little memory attached to that fountain. I need to find it.
— Chachi Chatters (@ChachiChatters) November 22, 2017
I have 3 days. And not a whole lot of lung/heart reserves.
— Chachi Chatters (@ChachiChatters) November 22, 2017
But I have a whole lot of will.
— Chachi Chatters (@ChachiChatters) November 22, 2017
People in and around London. People who’ve been to London.
Do you know of a fountain somewhere in that city that looks like a big vase and has a couple of Italian/Renaissance inspired sculptures around it?— Chachi Chatters (@ChachiChatters) November 23, 2017
I’ve failed to find it and I flew in only to see it, sit by it and relive an old memory I have associated with it.
— Chachi Chatters (@ChachiChatters) November 23, 2017
I walked around all day chasing a distant, blurry image. I’ve started to wonder if I’m confabulating that moment,time and place.
I feel my loneliness like a warm coat around me today and keep my fingers crossed for tomorrow! pic.twitter.com/pEy9nZpcJ4— Chachi Chatters (@ChachiChatters) November 23, 2017
जब उन्होंने मदद की बात की तो लोग उनके पास पहुंचे और उनकी मदद की
Like this? pic.twitter.com/YjJH6mlQJB
— asad (@AsNr80) November 23, 2017
— asad (@AsNr80) November 23, 2017
उसके बाद नीचे बैठ गयीं और सोचने लगीं कि वो फ़ब्वारा उनके लिए इतना महत्वपूर्ण क्यों है…
Many many years ago, marhoom khaawand’s work trip took us to London. This was my first time visiting this gorgeous, loud, colorful, old, charming city.
— Chachi Chatters (@ChachiChatters) November 24, 2017
I was not a seasoned traveler back then. I had lived all my life in Lahore and the farthest I had traveled was to Dhaka while I worked for PTV. So London was a jolt to my senses. A very pleasant one of course.
— Chachi Chatters (@ChachiChatters) November 24, 2017
We were there for 10 days may be. 7 of which, marhoom khaawand was at a diplomatic workshop. I would take a couple of pounds with me in the morning and they would last me the whole day in that city.
— Chachi Chatters (@ChachiChatters) November 24, 2017
I remember seeing armies of bankers in top hats. Young men who smelled like weed, singing in the tube stations around the Bond St, Marble Arch and Oxford Circus undergrounds.
— Chachi Chatters (@ChachiChatters) November 24, 2017
Piccadilly Circus was covered in gaudy, garish neon signs and billboards.
— Chachi Chatters (@ChachiChatters) November 24, 2017
I do not have the sharpest memory.
But I distinctly remember some shops from Carnaby Street (Soho).Lord John. Casual Affair. Stop The Shop.— Chachi Chatters (@ChachiChatters) November 24, 2017
As lovely as the city was, I felt incredibly alone on my own. And I couldn’t wait for the weekend so I could spend a day with my husband and absorb a bit of London together.
— Chachi Chatters (@ChachiChatters) November 24, 2017
Sunday we had to fly back.
So we just planned to eat breakfast and walk around the city. We packed our bags, left them with the concierge and ended up at the Berwick Street Market.— Chachi Chatters (@ChachiChatters) November 24, 2017
There was a little stall where a Scottish gentleman was selling these tiny little animal figurines, hand-carved out of marble.
I just fell in love with the dainty craft-work.— Chachi Chatters (@ChachiChatters) November 24, 2017
We were about to buy a few of the figurines.
— Chachi Chatters (@ChachiChatters) November 24, 2017
Marhoom khaawand said no.
He wanted me to get the little marble figurines. He said he’d skip lunch. I said I would too.— Chachi Chatters (@ChachiChatters) November 24, 2017
We walked around London the rest of the morning, mostly along what I now know was Bayswater Road, into the Italian Gardens.
— Chachi Chatters (@ChachiChatters) November 24, 2017
We sat down on a stone bench. In front of a stunning, stunning fountain.
— Chachi Chatters (@ChachiChatters) November 24, 2017
We sat at the bench and looked at the fountain. There was a sea-nymph sculpture on each side of the fountain. It looked so grand. And it looked so grand because I had someone to look at it with.
— Chachi Chatters (@ChachiChatters) November 24, 2017
We left back for the hotel, collected the luggage and took the cab to Heathrow.
I never got to visit London again.— Chachi Chatters (@ChachiChatters) November 24, 2017
I couldn’t find the fountain. I had no idea where it was. I never took a picture of it. There are a hundred thousand beautiful fountains in London. I was so naive.
But I asked you guys if you knew. And you did.— Chachi Chatters (@ChachiChatters) November 24, 2017
I’m sitting at the same bench right now bacho. pic.twitter.com/qCaiOTfYgv
— Chachi Chatters (@ChachiChatters) November 24, 2017
I fly out tonight. With my heart filled with joy. Knowing I would probably never come back to London. But I have a grand old memory of this grand old city which I’d forever hold close to my heart. pic.twitter.com/XvGDJbyhSt
— Chachi Chatters (@ChachiChatters) November 24, 2017
शायद यही होता है सच्चा प्यार!