आज साल 2020 का पहला सूर्य ग्रहण दिखाई दिया. सूर्य ग्रहण तब होता है जब चंद्रमा पृथ्वी और सूरज के बीच में आ जाता है. आज जो सूर्य ग्रहण दिखाई दिया उसे ‘रिंग ऑफ़ फ़ायर’ भी कहा जाता है. क्योंकि आज चंद्रमा ने सूर्य के 70 फ़ीसदी हिस्से को ढक लिया जिससे रिंग ऑफ़ फ़ायर जैसी छवि आकाश में दिखाई दी.
भारत में सुबह 10 बजे से दोपहर 2 बजे तक सूर्य ग्रहण देखने को मिला. सोशल मीडिया पर लोगों ने इसकी तस्वीरें शेयर की हैं. आप भी देखिए अलग-अलग जगहों पर ‘रिंग ऑफ़ फ़ायर’ का नज़ारा कैसा दिखा.
1. पंजाब
Punjab: #SolarEclipse2020 as seen in the skies of Amritsar today. pic.twitter.com/usRHFtjlgP
— ANI (@ANI) June 21, 2020
2. उत्तराखंड
Uttarakhand: #SolarEclipse2020 as seen in the skies of Dehradun.
— ANI (@ANI) June 21, 2020
The solar eclipse will be visible until 1:50 PM with maximum visibility of the eclipse at 12:05 PM. It will be visible from Asia, Africa, the Pacific, the Indian Ocean, parts of Europe and Australia. pic.twitter.com/iugvgwFEYR
3. हरियाणा
Haryana: #SolarEclipse2020 as seen in the skies of Kurukshetra. pic.twitter.com/LCpg8ltvJk
— ANI (@ANI) June 21, 2020
4. राजस्थान
Rajasthan: #SolarEclipse2020 seen in the skies of Jaipur.
— ANI (@ANI) June 21, 2020
The solar eclipse will be visible until 1:44 PM with maximum visibility of the eclipse at 11:55 IST. It will be visible from Asia, Africa, the Pacific, the Indian Ocean, parts of Europe and Australia. pic.twitter.com/MnnFvua1St
5. गुजरात
Gujarat: #SolarEclipse2020 seen in the skies of Gandhinagar.
— ANI (@ANI) June 21, 2020
The solar eclipse will be visible until 1:32 PM with maximum visibility of the eclipse at 11:42 IST. It will be visible from Asia, Africa, the Pacific, the Indian Ocean, parts of Europe and Australia. pic.twitter.com/Lp0xs53JoF
6. जम्मू-कश्मीर
Jammu & Kashmir: Jammu witnesses #SolarEclipse2020
— ANI (@ANI) June 21, 2020
The solar eclipse will start at 9:15 AM and will be visible until 3:04 PM. The maximum eclipse will take place at 12:10 IST. It will be visible from Asia, Africa, the Pacific, the Indian Ocean, parts of Europe and Australia. pic.twitter.com/5tvnfr7O7G
7. महाराष्ट्र
Maharashtra: #SolarEclipse2020 seen in the skies of Mumbai.
— ANI (@ANI) June 21, 2020
The solar eclipse will be visible until 3:04 PM. The maximum eclipse will take place at 12:10 IST. It will be visible from Asia, Africa, the Pacific, the Indian Ocean, parts of Europe and Australia. pic.twitter.com/n32nzIXYDR
8. दिल्ली
Delhi: #SolarEclipse2020 as seen in the skies of the national capital today.
— ANI (@ANI) June 21, 2020
The solar eclipse will be visible until 3:04 PM. The maximum eclipse will take place at 12:10 IST. It will be visible from Asia, Africa, the Pacific, the Indian Ocean, parts of Europe and Australia. pic.twitter.com/tJNM01YwGx
9. दुबई
United Arab Emirates: #SolarEclipse2020 as seen in the skies of Dubai.
— ANI (@ANI) June 21, 2020
The solar eclipse will be visible until 11:12 AM. It will also be visible from Asia, Africa, the Pacific, the Indian Ocean, parts of Europe and Australia. pic.twitter.com/EAGWuVIdBO
10. करांची
#SolarEclipse2020 as seen in Karachi of Pakistan.
— ANI (@ANI) June 21, 2020
As per Pakistan Meteorological Department, the solar eclipse, which began at 8:46 am local time, will end at 2:34 pm with the greatest eclipse occurring at 11:40 am. pic.twitter.com/ZW2SRDESSe
11. काठमांडू
#SolarEclipse2020 as seen in Kathmandu of Nepal.
— ANI (@ANI) June 21, 2020
As per Nepal’s BP Koirala Memorial, Planetarium Observatory and Science Museum Development Board the solar eclipse will be visible from 10:52 am to 2:32 pm today. pic.twitter.com/4peHmaoVyB
12. चीन
#SolarEclipse2020 by North Eastern China pic.twitter.com/6a61jKIle2
— Mohamed Talha Taz (@MohamedTalhaTaz) June 21, 2020
#SolarEclipse2020 Soler eclipse at my home. pic.twitter.com/eqbGVOk7mI
— Chetan Jagarwal (@JagarwalChetan) June 21, 2020
First time ever I seen day turning into night…
— Ashfaque Nabi (@AshfaqueNabi) June 21, 2020
Clicked in Delhi,India#SolarEclipse2020 pic.twitter.com/LAR4Yc1diT
#solareclipse2020 #माझाक्लिक pic.twitter.com/nycvAFZkgG
— TanMay Shinde⚡💥 (@_tanmaayyyy_) June 21, 2020
#SolarEclipse2020 pic.twitter.com/TYxN1oguya
— Makkiie (@MrBandairil) June 21, 2020
Beautiful #SolarEclipse2020. pic.twitter.com/vs6tR3wN0A
— Snehasish Mohanty (@Er_Snehasish) June 21, 2020
Advice from a SOLAR ECLIPSE:
— CH. VIPIN SARPANCH – (Gurjar) – 🇮🇳 (@VipinSarpanch) June 21, 2020
See the total picture
Be moved by beauty
Live in the moment
Celebrate nature’s cycles
Don’t be afraid of the dark
Be naturally phenomenal
Lighten up !#SolarEclipse2020#solareclipse #SuryaGrahan 🌒🌞 pic.twitter.com/AH73IsVrXp
— Rahul Maurya (@iamRahul9504) June 21, 2020
Varanasi India. pic.twitter.com/X3ipr9adRQ
#SolarEclipse2020 in Bijnor, UP, India at 11:15 a.m. pic.twitter.com/c2pNRlbOIA
— Kamal B. (@bishtk435) June 21, 2020
Solar eclipse time 10:12 am from Kutch Gujarat, india #SolarEclipse2020 #solareclipse pic.twitter.com/76IjMctYgn
— Priyesh Joisar (@JoisarPriyesh) June 21, 2020
I have taken picture of #solareclipse from India 🇮🇳. #YogaForAll #SolarEclipse2020 pic.twitter.com/aO1XZ1nLCc
— BHUPENDER SAINI (@iambhupee) June 21, 2020
#SolarEclipse2020 #solareclipse #Eclipse2020 #EclipseSolar #Mumbai #India pic.twitter.com/n5hv2ZufgR
— FoxBat (@FoxBat_IND) June 21, 2020
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