हमारा व्यवहार न सिर्फ़ हमें बल्कि हमारे आसपास के लोगों को भी प्रभावित करता है. ख़ासतौर से पुरुषों का व्यवहार और भी चिंता बढ़ाता है, क्योंकि आज भी समाज में पुरुष ही ज़्यादातर एरिया में डॉमिनेट कर रहे हैं.
भारत जैसे देशों में पुरुषों के व्यवहार आज भी महिलाओं के प्रति उतना ठीक नहीं है, जितना होना चाहिए. फिर चाहें सड़क हो, घर हो या फिर सोशल मीडिया. महिलाएं रेप की घटनाओं से लेकर घरेलु हिंसा और इंटरनेट पर खुलेआम धमकियां तक झेलने को मजबूर हैं.
हालांकि, पुरुषों का व्यवहार न सिर्फ़ महिलाओं के प्रति ख़राब देखने को मिलता है बल्कि सामाजिक जीवन के हर क्षेत्र पर भी इसका ग़लत प्रभाव देखा जा सकता है.
ऐसे में ट्विटर पर @MasalaBai नाम से पॉपुलर एक पत्रकार और फ़ेमनिस्ट रितुपर्णा चटर्जी ने पुरुषों से एक सवाल किया है. उन्होंने एक ट्वीट कर सवाल किया कि, ‘ऐसा कौन सा एक व्यवहार है, जिसे आप चाहेंगे कि दूसरे पुरुष चेंज करें ताकि सभी के लिए सुरक्षित और बेहतर माहौल बन पाए?’
This is a question to men: What is the one behaviour you’d want other men to change to make safer, better spaces for everyone? Genuine question, abusive, troll tweets will be ignored/blocked. Purely to engage and to listen.
— Rituparna Chatterjee (@MasalaBai) November 11, 2020
इस ट्वीट के जवाब में तमाम लोग अपनी प्रतिक्रियाएं दे रहे हैं. किसी ने पुरुषों को महिलाओं का घर पर हाथ बटाने की सलाह दी तो किसी ने कहा कि महिलाओं को एक वस्तु की तरह देखने और उन पर घटिया टिप्पणियां करने से पुरुषों को बाज़ आना चाहिए.
ये रहे जवाब.
1st, a spine to call out BS.
— 𝓢𝓪𝓶𝓲𝓻 𝓡𝓸𝔂 (@isamiroy) November 12, 2020
2nd, know your limits, and dont overstay your welcome.
3rd, understand responsibility, and share workload at home
4th, sweat you toxicity, dont take out your frustration on your female companion.
We should stop giving opinion on things that are none of our business. Like period leave or reproductive rights.
— ابھیک | Abhik (@aHazra25) November 11, 2020
Also, we should stop replying with ‘nehi degi’ whenever a man stands up for or support a woman.
Looking at women as objects. Like words such as degi, nahi degi, dekh kya mast maal jarahi hai. I wish we men could stop seeing women as objects
— LuckyTheluke (@ThelukeLucky) November 11, 2020
Shed this preconceived notion of what masculinity should look like.
— Vedansh Pujara (@Vpuj) November 11, 2020
Make expressing your emotions normal.
Make crying normal.
Stop treating people as outcasts if they do not conform to your idea of masculinity.
Make it normal for men to be feminists.
Not a man but id love to see men call each other out and check each other while hanging out just “with the guys” instead of being each other’s enablers. Also they can be about 90% less annoying.
— Edgar Allan Poeha (@vaniIlaessence) November 12, 2020
Start confronting other men, especially those in your circles, when they make sexist remarks or jokes etc. That will reduce tolerance for misogyny and will normalize standing up for women.
— Chandrahaas Uniyal (@taru_uniyal) November 11, 2020
To abolish the concept of *manning up* and accept that men are also human beings, so its only natural for us to experience emotions and feelings, so we need to process them and feel them instead of ignoring them. This notion is so toxic and has done so much harm.
— Tuhin Das (@tuhinat221b) November 11, 2020
So many things:
— Faizan Babi (@AWhiteShirt) November 11, 2020
1. Patriarchal jokes targeting wives, and portraying married men as victims
2. Rape Jokes
3. Making women uncomfortable about what they wear and how they wear
4. Inappropriate stares
5. Locker room talks
Accept the difference of opinion , argue without considering the other person an enemy , maintain basic civility in a discussion , consider and treat women as an equal human being and understand Consent in the broadest possible way.
— Gaurav Vats (@gaurav_vats3) November 12, 2020
1. Assuming that a girl is into you. Don't assume. Please ask openly for consent.
— Madhan kumar (@madhan_2) November 12, 2020
2. don't blindly believe movies and keep pestering women, hoping she would turn.
3. Final one, when ur actions make a girl uncomfortable, one should stop
When a woman compliments, just take it with a smile and gratitude instead of dreaming about s*x with her and stop taking her as if she is available. That’s what I want from other men.
— Abir Mishra (@praxxlnc) November 12, 2020
It’s okay to cry in front of people. Men have this inherent thing of not wanting to cry in public cause they feel it comes across as ‘weak’.
— Ankit Thakker (@TheAnkitThakker) November 11, 2020