आम के पेड़ों पर बौर आ जाए, फसलें खेतों में लरहाने लगे और पीले-पीले पलाश के फूलों से सजी धरती दिखे तो समझ जाओ वसंत ऋतु ने दस्तक दे दी है. वसंत ऋतु के आते ही प्रकृति अपनी सुंदरता के चरम पर होती है. मगर इस बार घर में रहने की वजह से कहीं जा नहीं सकते हैं. इस लॉकडाउन ने हम इंसानों पर तो रोक लगा दी, लेकिन प्रकृति पर नहीं लगा पाया और न ही कोई प्रकृति को रोक सकता है. क्योंकि प्रकृति है तो हम हैं, वरना हमारा कोई अस्तित्व ही नहीं है. 

प्रकृति जब चाहे जो चाहे कर सकती है. अगर आपको यक़ीन नहीं है तो एकबार दुनियाभर में खिले इन फूलों को देख लीजिए. इनकी वजह से ऐसा लग रहा है मानो धरती ने रंगीन चादर ओढ़ ली हो.

1. नीदरलैंड

2. कैलिफ़ोर्निया

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#poppyfields #california #spring2020

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3. नीदरलैंड

4. जापान

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Did you know that the Kanagawa Prefecture is a prefecture located in Kantō region of Japan and that its capital is Yokohama. Kanagawa is part of the Greater Tokyo Area. There you can find many popular destinations for side trips from Tokyo, such as Kamakura and Hakone. Many of them are especially beautiful during the cherry blossom season.⁣ ⁣ How many prefectures of Japan did you visit? Which one was your favorite one?⁣ ============================⁣ 📷 Photo by @number_shiiix⁣ ============================⁣ ➱ Features: Tag us in your photos and use #japanko_official⁣ ============================⁣ #kanagawa #kanagawawave #kanagawaprefecture #kanagawajapan #odawara #odawaracastle #odawaracity #kanagawaphotoclub #hanami #hanamichisakuragi #hanamilovers #hanami2019 #cherryblossom #cherryblossoms #cherryblossomtree #cherryblossomseason #cherryblossomjapan #sakura #sakurajapan2019 #sakuraseason2019 #japannature #japannaturelovers #japannaturephoto #japanrural #japanscenery #japangarden #japangardens #japangardencity

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Did you know that Okayama is the capital city of Okayama Prefecture in the Chūgoku region of Japan. The city has several famous tourist attractions, of which the most famous ones are Kōraku-en, one of the top three traditional gardens in Japan, and Okayama Castle, one of the most beautiful Japanese castles.⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ Would you like to be in this place right now, relaxing from your hard day under these cherry blossoms?⁣⁣ ============================⁣⁣ 📷 Photo by @kazumma527⁣⁣ ============================⁣⁣ ➱ Features: Tag us in your photos and use #japanko_official⁣⁣ ============================⁣⁣ #okayama #okayamacity #japan #japan_vacations #japan_focus #japanese #japan_of_insta #japannation #japanlife #unknownjapan #japanculture #japanrevealed #japaneseart #cherryblossom #cherryblossoms #cherryblossomtree #cherryblossomseason #cherryblossomjapan #sakura #sakurajapan2019 #sakuraseason #sakuraseason2019 #hanami #hanamichisakuragi #hanamilovers #hanami2019 #日本の風景

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5. बेल्जियम

6. जापान

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7. इटली

8. साउथ अफ़्रीका

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📍Kirstenbosch National Botanical Garden – Cape Town⁣ ⁣ Abbiamo salutato Cape Town con una passeggiata al giardino botanico e mai scelta fu migliore. L’avevamo lasciato come ultima tappa residuale, se avessimo avuto tempo. Qualora non ci fossimo andati, sarebbe stato forse l’errore più grande fatto durante questo viaggio. È un posto che ci ha rapito, ci ha conquistato dal primo passo mosso tra alberi, fiori, stagni, prati verdi e papere. Un luogo dove, seduti su una panchina, ci siamo cullati dolcemente nel ripercorrere tutti i momenti di questa avventura bellissima. ⁣ ⁣ ‼️Se visitate Cape Town non potete non andarci, sarebbe un errore‼️⁣ ⁣ ⁣ 🌸🌿Luoghi paradisiaci🌿🌸⁣ ⁣ #southafrica #kirstenboschnationalbotanicalgarden #capetown #memoriediviaggio #memories #ig_africa #igerssouthafrica #ontheroad #travelontheroad #viaggiaresognando #viaggiarechepassione #ogniviaggiounascoperta #vivereviaggiando #viaggiaresempre #fotodiviaggio #viaggiareontheroad #instatravel #travelgram #traveller #wanderlust #scattodiemozioni #emozionarsisempre #dietroognifotounastoria #postinstagrammabili #carpediemblog

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Ботанический сад Кирстенбош в Кейптауне, Южная Африканская Республика. 🌴🌵🌱Прекрасный ботанический сад Кирстенбош раскинулся на 500-х гектарах африканской земли. 🌅Сад располагается неподалёку от Кейптауна🌇, у подножия живописной Столовой горы. В Кирстенбоше собрано свыше ДЕВЯТИ тысяч различных видов растений🌺🌴🍃, которые произрастают на территории Южной Африки🌵. Некоторые из представленных видов растут только в этом месте. Своему существованию ботанический сад Кирстенбош обязан Ян Ван Рибеку, голландскому основателю Кейптауна. Рибек заметил, что со склонов Столовой горы исчезает слишком много деревьев🌴, древесина которых уходила на строительство кораблей⛵. Тогда на службу был назначен лесничий Линдерт Корнелиссен, который занимался озеленением садов всю свою жизнь🍑. Благодаря ему и Ян Ван Рибеку растительность местности была спасена и превратилась в прекрасное место для отдыха.🌞 . Помните, что Ваш сад – это отражение Вашей души… 🌲🌳🌴 . #ландшафтныйдизайн #садовыйдизайн #озеленение #ландшафт #студиятритополя🌼 #садымира #юар #KirstenboschNationalBotanicalGarden #Kirstenbosch #BotanicalGarden #ботаническийсад #кейптаун #CapeTown

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9. वॉशिंगटन

10. इंग्लैंड

11. न्यूज़ीलैंड

12. दक्षिण अफ़्रीका

13. जापान

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Place of the day 🤩Hitachi Seaside Park, Hitachinaka, Ibarak, Japan. A park which is blessed with all year seasons is Hitachi seaside park. About 4.5 millions of Nemophila (commonly known as Baby Blue eyes) spread over this park. This park actually covers an area of 190 hectares in which 3.5 hectares are covered by Nemophilas. All year season park make visitors to enjoy the Narcissus and tulips in the spring, Nemophilas and roses in the summer, zinnias in the midsummer and kochia and cosmos in autumn. The opening time of the park is 9.30 am to 5 pm and they do charge for entry. It is said that once in a week the park closes and it is recommended to gather information on which day it closes and then to visit. The wondering part of the park is Bassia scoparia turning colour in Autumn. There is a giant Ferris wheel in Hitachi park where we can get great views of these flowers. Image 1 : Nemophilas Image 2 : Bassia scoparia Image 3 : Narcissus Image 4 : Tulips Image 7 : Ferris wheel Source: Web pages. #amazingplaces #beautiful #beautifuldestinations #hitachi #hitachipark #seasidepark #hitachiseasidepark #hitachiseasideparkjapan #beautifulplace #beautifulview #beautifulplaces #earth #flowers #flower #nemophila #tulips🌷 #tulips #bassiascoparia #japan #japanhitachi #japantravel

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14. लंदन

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The past week has been a whirlwind 🌪 We had an emergency trip to the UK which we then had to cut short. Once we arrived back home last Monday we were put into mandatory self isolation. I thought I would get bored stuck at home but life never stops! While the reason for travel wasn’t great, it was the season for daffodils yet again. Such a beautiful flower which always induce a smile despite all the chaos swirling around. The daffodils in this picture line the streets leading to Buckingham Palace. Do you have a favourite flower?🌺🌸🌼🌻 📸 by Ron Walker . . . . . #Daffodil #daffodils🌼 #daffodilseason #springflowers🌸 #springisonitsway #springblossom #springbulbs #stjamespark #stjamesparklondon #londonpics #yellowflower #yellowflowers #flowery #raw_flowers #flower_super_pics #Igscflowers #bns_flowers #flowers_mania__ #botanicalbeauty #thisislondon #visitlondon #londonguru #londondecanted #londoncityworld #ukshots #ukpotd #uk_shooters #ukscenery #stjames #englandtravel

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15. टेक्सास

16. वेल्स

17. फ़्रांस

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💮🌷Blossom by Blossom, the Spring begins !! 🌷💮 : : : The Cherry blossom has already begun and now other flowers might have started pouring their magic in the nature….I just hope I will see it all soon🌷💜 Where Flowers Bloom, so does the Hope and I believe THE BEST IS YET TO COME !!🔮💫 : : :Pasting my last Spring Chamonix Colors and wishing all a very happy weekend!! 💌 Bon week-end à tous ❤️ : :___🏵️B l o s s o m D r e a m e r🏵️___: : : : : : : : : : #chamonixvalley #chamonixfrance #chamonixflowers #mytravelpics #europe_moments #europe_vacation #travelerphoto #europediaries #mustdotravels #fleurs🌸 #flowers_earth #instaflowerlover #rêveuse #colors_of_the_day #flowersinstagram #fleursdefrance #colorfulflowers #i̇nstagood #flowersworld #flowersmagic #springflowers🌸 #flowersspring #flowerspic #beautyoffrance #tlpicks #portraitphotos #discoverunder1k #flowersbest

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18. जापान

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Wisteria is a plant that grows all over Japan and which has captivated Japanese people for a long time. The flower clusters hang down for the tip of the plant’s long vines and sway beautifully in the wind. This pastel-colored tunnel is in the Kawachi Fuji Gardens in Kitakyushu, Japan. Home to about 150 Wisteria flowering plants spanning 20 different species the best time to visit is from late April to mid May with peak colour normally being at end of April. Its a small garden in the mountains and can be difficult to access, so research the route if you are planning to go. It can be very crowded during the blooming season, especially at weekends. #wisteria #wisteriatunnel #japan #kitakyushu #kawachifujigardens #spring #gardentours #garden #gardenvisiting #colour

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福岡 河内藤園の藤のトンネル (Wisteria tunnel in Kawachi Fuji Gardens in Fukuoka, Japan) ・ ・コロナウィルスの影響で、今年は閉園中。2019年5月4日に撮影した物です。 (The park is closed this year due to the coronavirus. It was taken on May 4, 2019) ・ #fukuoka #japan #ファインダー越しの私の世界 #福岡 #河内藤園#ig_japan #japantrip#日本 #はなまっぷ#写真を撮るのが好きな人と繋がりたい #藤の花#lovejapan #flower #japanlover#花 #花撮り隊 #japan_of_instagram #loves_japan #japan_of_insta#花の写真館#花のある風景#team_jp_flower#wisteria #九州ぐらむ#kawachifujigardens#福岡旅行#花のある風景

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19. कैलिफ़ोर्निया

20. दक्षिण अफ़्रीका

21. चीन

22. स्पेन

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Seeing as you can’t travel to Spain for a while… I’m bringing Spain to you! During quarantine, I thought I’d share photos of as many of Spain’s 17 regions as I can – I’ve visited 14 of them! We’re starting today with ANDALUCÍA. This southern region is one of Spain’s largest, and is divided into 7 provinces. Its capital is Sevilla. Andalucía is picture postcard Spain, with its white villages, beaches and beautiful Moorish monuments. It’s also very rural in places, with gorgeous lesser-known mountain ranges and natural parks such as Sierra de Cazorla. There are 12 UNESCO World Heritage sites and festivals in Andalucía, 4 of which are in Cordóba. This photo shows one of them, the Fiesta de los Patios, which takes place in Cordóba in mid-May. Have you ever been to Andalucía? Or is it on your list? #ohhellospain #visitspain

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23. कैलिफ़ोर्निया

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Happy First Day of May 🌸💐🌼 ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ A flashback to being in the flower fields enjoying the sunshine…today, I’m looking forward to a new month but I’m also taking time to reflect on the previous month. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Here are some questions that I invite you to ask yourself: ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ 🌸 What did you spend your time on last month? ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ 🌸 What was awesome and what was not? ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ 🌸 Did you accomplish your goals for this month? Why or why not? ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ It helps me to close out the month before I look ahead and start setting my intentions for the next month. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ For May, here’s what to do: ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ 🌼 What is the ONE thing that you’re going to focus on this month? ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ 🌼 What are 3 steps you’re going to take to accomplish that goal? ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ 🌼 What will you make sure you make time for this month? ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ I can’t tell you enough that reflection and intention will increase your chances tenfold of hitting your goals. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Tell me, will you try this today? See if it works when the next month comes around #gwenlane #thelagirl

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