जिम जाएंगे, कोई नहीं खा लेते हैं वज़न का क्या है वो तो अपने हाथ में है कम कर लेंगे. ये सब लाइंस आज के युवा सिर्फ़ मारते रह जाते हैं और इन्होंने कर दिखाया. कनाडा के ओंटारियो में रहने वाली 73 साल की Joan MacDonald ने जो किया है उसे सुनकर युवा तो शर्म से पानी-पानी हो जाएंगे. 

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3 years ago I began this long, slow journey and now I realize that there really isn’t any end to it. Each day I move in a direction based on my choices. Each month is a new milestone. Each year I seem to have changed so completely I think I can’t change any more and yet I do.💕💕 At this point, I truly realize that we are limitless. At any moment we can make a decision to change. No matter how difficult or challenging life is, we must remain steadfast in our aim and keep inching forward. When I got started I never imagined I’d be where I am today. I just wanted to get my health back and get off my medication. Each door we step through leads to another door and then another. I hope you all keep choosing to grow! To learn to love yourself, take the best care of yourself, and dare to dream and love with your whole heart again.🙏🙏 . Pink outfit by @womensbest . . #transformation #hope #justdoit.

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इन्होंने अपने शरीर को पूरी तरह से बदल डाला. ये उन्होंने नियमित रूप से एक्सरसाइज़ से किया है. Joan को बॉडी बिल्डिंग में दिलचस्पी है. वो पिछले तीन साल से जिम कर रही हैं और उन्होंने इन तीन सालों में 21 किलो वजन घटाया है. जोन का वज़न 90 किलो था, जो अब 69 किलो हो गया है.

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Romanian Deadlifts! 😅😅 I do these to help strengthen my backside and really tone up my muscles. These are very hard, no doubt about it, and they aren’t easy to do right so I do recommend working with a professional. 🙏 I know I am very lucky to have a daughter and a son-in-law who are at the top of their fields. Every time I come down to Tulum to their gym I learn something new. 👵🏼 Here are my tips for mastering this exercise: 1) think of really tightening up your back and squeeze the back of your armpits, just like you are trying to stop someone from tickling you ☺️ 2) get a nice, tight tummy and fill it up with air before you begin. I hold my breath as I lift the weight and only take a quick sip when I’m at the top 3)keep that bar on your legs! @jeanjacquesbarrett and @yourhealthyhedonista are really strict on that. If the bar starts leaving my legs, I can start to feel it in my back. 😬 4) really keep the back from rounding. I am thinking of keeping a “proud chest”. I have a naturally rounded back from old age but I’m hoping that with this exercise and others I can prevent it from getting worse. My own mother had a real “dowagers” back so I guess it’s partly hereditary. I’m no expert. Like you guys I’m trying to keep learning and to keep getting better. I work with people who really know what they are doing and I trust them to have my health as a top priority. I recommend that you also work with professionals. I know it is so hard to find reliable help theses days but word of mouth is a wonderful thing. If you want to tag someone who you feel would be a good coach or trainer for people, please do so and list the area they work in and the gym they work at. A little community effort can go a long way. 💕💕 . My favorite @womensbest pink seamless outfit Knee sleeves are by @sbdapparel . #girlswholift #girlswhopowerlift #bodybuilding #fitover70

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आपको बता दें, Joan बढ़ते वज़न के चलते हाई ब्लड प्रेशर, कोलेस्ट्रॉल और एसिड रिफ़्लक्स जैसी कई समस्याओं से जूझ रही थीं और दवाइयां भी ले रही थीं. इन सभी समस्याओं से निजात पाने के लिए ही Joan ने एक्सरसाइज़ का सहारा लिया और उन्होंने ये कर दिखाया.

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I love these for my hip muscles, and they always draw a few looks in the gym 😅. I think most people are always a bit shocked to see little old me loading up the bar like this. Two years ago I wasn’t doing this however. One day I was in the gym with Michelle @yourhealthyhedonista and she said “it’s time”! 😜 We started off with 135 lbs (that’s the bar plus two big 45 lbs plates). She corrected my form, barking orders at me, demonstrating what she wanted me to do, and by the end of the lesson I was doing 200 lbs. I don’t know how that’s possible but I guess when you’ve got good instructions anything is possible. Here I’m doing 205 lbs with a 2 count pause at the top. By pausing at the top I’m building up even more strength in my muscles. Keys: set up everything so that you are wedged in tight. You can’t be all loose and wobbly lifting a heavy weight like this. Trust me, it helps! 2) use a quality pad like this special hip thrust pad by @ironbullstrength . I ordered mine off of amazon. 3) start off with a light weight until you master the movement. I’m trying to squeeze the glutes hard to thrust the weight up until my knees, hips and chest are in one line. 🙌🏻🙌🏻 4) keep pushing the knees out. Don’t let them collapse in. This will help build up your side glute muscles and keep your knees healthy. That’s it for the hip thrust! If you do these today tag me so I can see! And tag a friend who you think could benefit from these! 🎉🎉🎉 #nevertooold.

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इसके साथ ही अपने अविश्वसनीय ट्रांसफ़ॉर्मेशन के चलते Joan अब सोशल मीडिया सेलेब्रिटी बन चुकी हैं. इनके Instagram पर Trainwithjoan नाम के पेज पर 5 लाख से ज़्यादा फ़ॉलोअर्स हैं. 

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